I am Anna, the founder of Body 2 Soul.
Apparently when I was born, they smacked my bum, and I giggled. The nurses all came to see ‘the baby that laughed when she was born’. I am still giggling my way through life. When I hit one of life’s low points, as is inevitable, although I may be deeply affected, I quickly return to Joy. So, I have often wondered, is that because I was born giggling? Or because the fact that I giggled was a much talked about event that lodged deeply in my Psych?
My burning question is what makes people happy? My life’s study has been, and still is, to find out how to enable people to live a life where joy is more present than sadness.
So, I have quite a few qualifications under my belt from Energetic Healing to Ayurveda and many more in-between. I find as everyone is different, different modalities are a catalyst for change for different people.
I have a signature treatment which combines massage, sound, and narrative which I love because:
“Every cell in the body benefits from relaxation and ease, and in the deepest stages of relaxation, the body heals and regenerates itself. And as the body relaxes, you begin to drift into a deeply absorbed state of inner learning and change, where your mind can internalise positive suggestions and positive expectations about yourself, in a way that really works for you”.
Anna's qualifications include
Advanced Diploma of Ayurveda
Post Graduate Diploma of Iridology
Diploma of Yoga Teaching
Diploma of Aromatherapy
Diploma of Energetic Healing
Polarity Therapy Practitioner Training
Meditation facilitators Certificate
Aura Soma Practicing Certificate
Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy